SS amp to mate with an Audio Research SP-16L

Just wanting some input into a powerful SS 2 ch amp that would mate with the SP-16L tube preamp from Audio Research. I would use this amp to also power the 2 front channels in my HT setting as well. I use a Myryad MDP500 G6 processor. Thanks for your help. Dave.
Depends on what speaker you are intending to use with the amp. That interface is far more important than the interface between your preamp and amp. Also give us a clue on your sound preferences and budget. With that you might get some meaningful answers.
I am using Dynaudio Contour 1.3 MK II's for my fronts. My budget is no more than 1500 USD. My musical tastes are in progressive/alternative rock, some jazz here and there, easy listening, and classical for those late nights. Thanks again guys....
I use a Muscial Fidelity A308 amplifier with my AR LS16 MKII preamp connected by Transparent Ultra interconnects. Speakers are power hungry Maggie 3.6's with Transparent Super speaker cable............listen to classic rock primarily...........find the sound warm, open, inviting, "live" with abundant kick........MF has a 3.2 line that would also be in your price that is quite good........the 308 runs a little bit more than what you want to pay, but might find it here in that range......