Amplifier Speed

For analog power amps should any consideration be given to the amount of time it takes for the music signal to travel through a amp's circuitry? For instance, if I'm bi-amping with two very different design amps can one amp "process" the music faster than the other, or is it just not an issue?
If you are talking the speed of electron/signal,it's not an issue at all.

Transient respond/speed is a completely different story.
How many manufacturers actually quote Td ( Time delay ) for a component? I've only ever seen one company ever provide this spec. Sean
Thanks for the responses. I was asking about the speed of the electron/signal.
The time it takes for the signal to travel from the input to the output would be dependent on the length of the circuit and the velocity of propogation through the circuit. This is technically referred to as Td, hence my comments about the lack of disclosure of this spec from most manufacturers. Sean
Onhwy61 and Sean...Although this "transit" or "propagation" time is not quoted in specs, and I for one have not measured it (although it would be easy to do) it cannot amount to more than a few degrees of phase shift for a 20 KHz signal, or else global feedback would be impossible.

Sean, you have a dual-trace scope. Why not give us some data.