B&W 801 Matrix III...which amp to use??

I love my Conrad Johnson CAV 50 tube amp, but it's just
not enough for the 801's at 45 W/PC.
Sad day, but I will need more power. Any thoughts on
a good high power SS amp that may (just wishing) have close
sonic quality's to the CJ??

Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Does anyone have any thoughts on a Bryston 4B ST
or a digital amp?? Or say one of the bigger Parasounds,
Rotels... Marsh...Adcom... etc..
The bigger Bryston,Parasound, Rotel or Marsh are all good choices. I heard these through a 200wpc Rotel and it sounded very good. As a matter of fact the salesman hooked up the same speakers with Krell amps and nobody could tell the difference between the Krell and the Rotel. Levels weren't matched and it was informal but the price difference was major and the sound difference was not detectable.
If you want a very in-expensive option, then try a Quad amp. Either 606,707 or 909. They have all been built for driving Quad electrostats and therefore can handle almost any load.
Dont dismiss the idea, until you try it..
Try either a Threshold S550e or Audio Research D400 MkII or Mark Levinson 333 or 336.
I am running mine with a pair of Threshold T400 bridged to mono. 450/900 watts 8/4 ohms.

They really like high power, high current.