Hopefully this will help...
I own a Berning ZH270, and have heard both amps. Both are share many similar attributes in their sound, but for my ears, the Berning is playing in a different league than the M60s. Your observations about both are spot on. As you state, the Bernings relative lack of heat, small chasis size,auto-biasing, remarkably long-lasting tubes and volume control are all good things. However, the reason I bought the Berning is simply that its sonic performance is amazing, especially at its price point. This and it's resale value, should you ever have to sell, are the best reasons to go with a Berning. Allan Bhagan and David give excellent support with upgrades and service questions. Repairs are rare from what I've heard.
Both of these amps come from fine companies. Ralph Karsten is a great guy, and I have many friends(regular A-goners) who happily listen thru Atmas.
I've heard the M60 with Coincidents, and it wasn't the best combo compared to some modified Frieds with the M60. Contact member Trelja for more details, this is his gear.
Cheers, Spencer
Hopefully this will help...
I own a Berning ZH270, and have heard both amps. Both are share many similar attributes in their sound, but for my ears, the Berning is playing in a different league than the M60s. Your observations about both are spot on. As you state, the Bernings relative lack of heat, small chasis size,auto-biasing, remarkably long-lasting tubes and volume control are all good things. However, the reason I bought the Berning is simply that its sonic performance is amazing, especially at its price point. This and it's resale value, should you ever have to sell, are the best reasons to go with a Berning. Allan Bhagan and David give excellent support with upgrades and service questions. Repairs are rare from what I've heard.
Both of these amps come from fine companies. Ralph Karsten is a great guy, and I have many friends(regular A-goners) who happily listen thru Atmas.
I've heard the M60 with Coincidents, and it wasn't the best combo compared to some modified Frieds with the M60. Contact member Trelja for more details, this is his gear.
Cheers, Spencer