Looking for really fine cables at really low price

I have been listening to excellent sounding Exemplar exception cables for the last several weeks. While my HFCables are better they are also much more expensive than the below $500 cables.

They offer an excellent sound stage, dynamics, and top to bottom quality sound. Not only are they inexpensive but they are very portable and easy to install.

I am not a dealer or investor in this company.
It's questionable, to me. My Supras run parallel to each other with nary a twist and with barely any separation between them but then, they were designed that way.

I realize it's a completely different make of cable but it's similar in concept so maybe it's not necessary.

All the best,
Jeff Day states on his Blog, not necessary. You can basically do it either way. I twisted mine.
I now have two runs per pole of the WE wire. I twisted them and put a nice black Tech Flex netting over them. I found one run to sound very good. With burn in however they were a little, just a little , too tilted up in the highs after 50 hours or so. My system is very resolving however so any small change is quickly revealed.

I found two runs provided more base weight and improved overall body and tonal balance. I will report back after the second set has burned in for 50 hours. Thus far a nice improvement in my system vs. just one run of the WE wire.
07-09-15: Metman
I have a straight run from speakers to amp - no braiding or twisting and it sounds pretty damn good. Will I realize an additional benefit twisting the + and - around each other from speaker to amp?
The main effect of twisting + and - together will be to reduce inductance. (Also, as Mitch2 noted above, there might be some reduction in sensitivity to stray magnetic fields, although his reference was to a star quad configuration which takes that a step further. The consequences of magnetic field/RFI-EMI sensitivity, if any, will be dependent on the design of the particular amplifier, as well as on the characteristics of whatever stray fields may be present in the particular setup). Reducing inductance will reduce the impedance of the cable in the upper treble region (and above). The likelihood of that being audibly significant will depend on the impedance of your speakers in the upper treble region (the lower that impedance, the greater the likelihood of a difference), and on the length of the cable (the longer the cable, the greater the likelihood of a difference, since cable inductance is proportional to length, everything else being equal).

The impedance of many dynamic (box-type) speakers rises significantly in the upper treble region, which reduces the criticality of inductance, although many other such speakers have impedances which remain relatively flat in that region. The impedance of most electrostatic speakers decreases to low values in the upper treble region, which increases the criticality of inductance.

Further complicating the issue, of course, is that in many systems and for many listeners cable behavior that is non-neutral may be subjectively preferable. Meaning in this case a softening of the upper treble that may result from inductance being higher rather than lower.

The bottom line, as is often the case in audio: It all depends :-)

Good luck. Regards,
-- Al
Grannyring - I bi-wire with the WE 16ga and have experienced a similar change in the sound - perhaps not to the degree you have. I did a loose twist every few inches or so.

Did you twist to achieve the doubling of the wires, and then twist both of the doubled bundles?