Mark Levinson 26 pre amp

Dear sirs,

It is so hard to find a 26 preamp now. I have purchased a 27 power amp and everyone told me I should match it with 26 preamp but I just can't find one in ebay or Audiogon for few months already. Can any one help?
Dear Nsgarch hing,

I got my Mark 26s RCA in Audiogon la. Price USD$3,XXX. I am now a happy man.

I amtch it with 27 but now think of upgrade to 23.5 ( price USD$3,000) OK? Some of my friend ask me to pay a bit more for 20.5 So what do you think?

Ken, congratulations! I think $3K is good. There's one on AgoN right now for $4K - so it was a good investment, no?!!

The going (top) price you should pay for a CLEAN 23.5 at the moment is $2700. And I've seen them for as low as $2250, but you have to be fast!

The 27 is absolutely as good as the 23.5, it's just half the power (100W/8ohms). So it really depends on what you're driving. What are your speakers?
Ken: PS: the 20.5, or the more desireable 20.6, is only 100W/channel (monoblocks). They are Class A amps too. They run VERY hot, and draw almost 500W of AC power when idling. Are you sure that is what you want? If the 27 isn't enough power, get a 23.5 :~)

Thanks Nsgarch, I think I will go for 23.5 as I have no space for mono block. I pay $3100 for 26s (RCA). The 23.5 I am going to purchase is also RCA ( very new with series no of 7XXX)