EMM DCC2 vs Hi End Preamps

I own the EMM CDSD/6e rig and a couple of nice preamps such as the HP100 and VTL7.5. Lately I have been wondering if changing the DAC to the DCC2 would allow me to maybe upgrade the EMM gear sound and importantly get rid of the many boxes in my system by using it as a pre-amp.

Does it comapre to the VTL7.5 and similar hi end preamps? Note that this comes from a tube enthusiast with no solid state pre or amp.

Many thanks.
I just wanted to add an observation that I didn't make in my first post. The general feeling, judging by these posts, is that the DCC2 lacks body and texture compared to the best stand-alone preamps, be they tube or SS. In my experience comparing the pre section DCC2 to other preamps, however, I've generally found that the added "body" that some preamps have over the DCC2 comes at the expense of transparency and clarity. Personally, I've not heard a preamp (save the DarTZeel) that has the clarity of the DCC2. That's my experience, FWIW. I guess, like anything else in this hobby, it comes down to personal preference.
As a practical matter, the extra $$ spent on a separate preamp must be added to an extra pair of interconnects + an extra power cable. That could really add up. Unless money is no object, those dollars could be deployed on upgrading existing cabling (&/or a better power amplifier) in the system. Just my 2-cents :)
Rgs92 is right. There has to be a demonstrable difference to be worth the extra dollars and space. You can use them for other upgrades or to take your wife to a vacation to thank her for putting up with the ugly EMM gear in the living room (I love the sound but that look...)
Hooper, must dissent from your post. At least with the Messenger, there is an increase in information, clarity, and bass punch.