EMM DCC2 vs Hi End Preamps

I own the EMM CDSD/6e rig and a couple of nice preamps such as the HP100 and VTL7.5. Lately I have been wondering if changing the DAC to the DCC2 would allow me to maybe upgrade the EMM gear sound and importantly get rid of the many boxes in my system by using it as a pre-amp.

Does it comapre to the VTL7.5 and similar hi end preamps? Note that this comes from a tube enthusiast with no solid state pre or amp.

Many thanks.

I respect your defense of the Messenger. Never having heard it, I certainly can't, and won't, comment on it. I have heard other tubed units on par (from what I've been told) with the Messenger, though, and IMO the DCC2 delivered more of what I liked than they did. I'd like to hear the Messenger one day, though.
While the CAT might sound a little unrefined with its readily available stock tubes, "harsh and unrelenting" might well be interpretated as "neutral and revealing" depending on one's system context. In this way the CAT is really not dissimilar to the DCC2...only that it adds a bit of "thereness" lacking with the EMM as a preamp. As Mihalis has stated that he is a tube enthusiast, I am pretty certain that he would be more satisfied with a tube preamp in the chain.
I use me DCC2 SE with a Levinson 380S preamp. It sounds much, much better with the Levison. No comparison.