Mapleshade CD Favorites

Mapleshade is a small recording house with a reputation for great sounding CDs for either live or studio recordings. Since I've had their catalog sitting around for more time than I want to acknowledge; and if you buy 4 or more CDs, you get them for less than $10 each; I thought I would ask a simple question.

What's your favorite Mapleshade recording(s)? Which ones knocked your shoes off, revealed your system, or just made you happy? My musical preferences are jazz, and blues, but am willing to try good CDs in other venues.

I have seen some recommendations in other threads for:
Mojo - Big Joe Mahler Sextet
Live At Ethell's - Clifford Jordan Quartet
Big, Sweet and Blue - Norris Turney Quartet
Feel free to add more or elaborate on these.
I have several Mapleshade CDs. Some of which are among my favorite CDs and some I probably won't listen to ever again. The sound quality is great, but tends to be a bit to bright for my taste or system. My favorites are:

Norris Turney- Big, Sweet and Blue. This has got to be the best recording of saxophone that I've come across, and the passion behind the music is vibrant. It's a must have for any sax music lover.

Clifford Jordan- Live at Ethel's. This is an audiophile classic for it's live recording quality. You hear every breath he takes, and the clinking and clunking of the keys on his sax. It's a must have, too.

Bobby Battle and Ted Nash discs are very good and I find myself spinning them quite often.

Avi Lebo is fantastic for any fan of the trombone, which may not be too many. The playing is invigorating and the recording is too.

I personally don't care for any of the Hamiet Bluiett CDs. I just can't stand the playing (squalling) of his baritone sax.

There are several other enjoyable discs and several new ones which I've not heard.
Al Lee - "Ain't Playin' The Game." Really an amazing disc from an unheralded artist.
Any opinions? I'm curious about some of the more obscure ones that have no samples on their site, such as:
Brother Ad's, Celebration (von Schweikert's imaging reference, they say)
Michael Carvin, Drum Concerto at Dawn
Chief Bey, Children of the House
Silent Bear, ?
Tony Williamson, Still Light of the Evening (does have samples)

I see they sell 4 or more for 9.60 each at, and that you can exchange any recording you don't like after listening. Amazon charges 19.00 for ARC, anyway. (I haven't yet checked at Amazon for samples of the others....) Amusicdirect charges something like 12.00 each, but has no samples nor even descriptions.