Interconnect with great dynamics and bass slam ,

I recently purchased some Cardas Golden cross sepaker cables. They replaced my Dh Lab Q10s. I replaced the Q10s because i was getting some upper mid freq brightness.
I have Golden Cross interconnects from preamp to amp and from cd player to pre amp. The sound is very smooth and detailed .The bass and mid bass is not as authorative or as tight. The highs are better - more detailed and smooth.
The problem is the sound is almost too smooth the bass is kind of rounded off now .The sound is less dynamic.
My Question is.
Is there an interconnect that could give me back that great bass and dynamics of that i had with the Q10s, without the harshness i was getting. I think i would like to keep the Golden Cross speaker cables and try changing the ICs. Any thoughts would be greatly appreciated.
@Audiolab, It took me a long time, and personal issues to help me get my priorities in order. I spent many years doing what you are doing now, chasing the absolute sound. How do you think I wound up with a system costing well over $100K??

Health problems and job loss helped me to put this hobby in it's proper perspective in the grand scheme of life, as a fun hobby, not an absolute purpose in life. Funny thing is, if it wasn't for those hurdles in life that I tripped over, I would probably still be chasing the ever elusive absolute sound. Attaining true happiness is all a state of mind. You will always have those thoughts of "if I can just get to this place, I will stop and be happy". Funny thing is, when you finally get there, you always see something else that you feel will make you even happier. It never ends...the merry-go-round never stops. LOL!!
Jmcgrogan2, I'm sympathetic with you but think it is over the top to reach your conclusion. This last weekend a friend and I spent about five hours with three Acoustic Energizers and four StillPoints Ultra Fives seeking the benefits of these when strategically placed. Last evening we sat down and thoroughly enjoyed the realism we had achieved.

The quest continues with much enjoyment as the merry-go-round does stop and we will have to get off.
@ TbG,, Wow!, you spoke wise words here, The still points, and the model ultra ss is exactly whats on my speakers!, $2,000.00 for 8 of them puppys!,, and I see you believe in tunning as I do!, Bravo TbG!, I always have stated you have my respect!,, I feel, If you achieve an unbelievable sound, and the sound is shockingly good to all that hears the system, why keep chassing the holy grail of audio when you have it!, may not be the best!, If it makes you extreamly happy, why indulge yourself and mess the sound up!,, cheers!
@ jmcgrogan2, We all know we love this hobby, I do not believe I will spend thousands of dollars all my life on one audio system!, LOL!,mmm, maybe a little on a purposely cheaper system 2, or system 3,LOL!, a system 2 is good enough!, I was into smartphones not long ago, I had to have the best always, recently, I looked at my phone and said,still works very fast!, great pics,internet works fine,does more than I need!, I'm done!, so at the end of the day, I realized I do not need to keep up-gading consistently!, cheers!
I'm a bit late to the party, but this weekend I just compared 4 interconnects. By far the interconnect that had best dynamics and bass slam was CRL-FIM interconnect. The bass had great articulation and realism. As someone else mentioned OCC copper is the way to go for what you are looking for.