Does Your Computer Sound Like a Jet Engine?????

Hey everybody. This thread is to inform everybody of a discovery I have made. I can now live in peace because my computer no longer sounds like a Jet Engine :) I changed my computer power supply and CPU fan with parts from I can't hear my computer anymore... Since my computer is in the same room as my stereo system I can now leave it on and listen to music too :)
PS I have no affiliation with
With all the cooling fans, what is your CPU temp? Just curious as I chose a low speed thermaltake for the CPU but the case fan makes the most noise.
It used to sound like a jet engine. Then i filled the tower with J.B. Weld. One might think that the puter would stop working, but it actually runs much faster. All of the JB solidified and now acts as a heatsink. Who needs a fan ???? I was thinking about having the whole thing cryogenically frozen, but then i'd probably have to burn it in all over again. Damn puters.... : ) Sean
Answer for Driver... 41C-47C under varying load and ambient temps.

I have a AYHJA AMD Thunderbird 1333/266 with Arctic Silver II thermal paste and thermal millennium "Glaciator I" HSF on an EPoX EP-8K7A (non-RAID) motherboard. I don't know how accurate the board's sensor is (I'm not running a callibrated 3rd party sensor). BTW, I'm running at 166x9.5= 1577MHz @ 2.85v. PC is in the basement, and I keep it "cool" (~68-70*F) year round.

I thought about running a SK-6 heat sink with 7krpm delta fan, but went with the glaciator since I thought it was "more awesome looking" than the SK-6. Considering the noise doesn't bother me, I should probably get fan that moves more SCFM than the glaciator's built-in fan.
Hey guys, I see we have some computerphiles here too :)
I have tried all the fans listed above including the Enermax Whisper, which is falsely advertised as 'Whisper' when in reality it is much louder than standard Power Supplies. The Thermaltake Volcano 6 that I had previously had a cheap fan which also made lots of noise. I splurged on the silent power supply, silent case fans, Flower cooler for CPU and hard drive enclosure for my new Maxtor ata133. I have to put my ear next to the unit to hear if it's on... About 26db's, well below the measurement for a quiet room which is 28db. I'm running XP1700, 256 DDR, Geforce2 Ti200 32mb and 40gb maxtor. My Samsung 900NF makes more noise that the case.. I'm bringing the monitor in this week to see if it can be fixed (high pitched humming noise.) although this might be normal with the aperture grilles..

Yeah, my 3 year search for a quiet clone PC is now complete!
RE Mac G4... They're already damn quiet, but you could add the hard drive enclosure to further silence it.