Why do I have to turn the volume level so high?

I just bought a Marantz 7200 A/V Receiver with psb Alpha speakers (just Front L&R for now). The indicated volume range on the unit is from -75dB to +15dB. In order for me to listen at a comfortable level I need to crank the thing to -15dB or so!!! I guess this would be equal to 7 or 8 on the 1-10 scale. Even if I bypass all of the digital effects and listen in true stereo only I still need about
-20dB. Does anyone have any idea why this is happening? Thanks.
I've got a SR7000 and I have to go to about -25 or better to get to listenable levels. Srikes me as a little odd, but I figure it's just the way Marantz wires the suckers. (By comparison, I've also got a Rogue 99 preamp, and I can't get past about 1/3 of full volume without it getting TOO loud for reasonable listening levels (at least as far as the neighbors are concerned) and that's even with the gain turned down pretty low). It'll be interesting to see whether others have had the same experience, but I expect it's no big deal.
Marantz, like early Yamaha gear prefers to have the volume control a very slow (low) slope from off to maximum. This is actually a more accurate way to set up the control, as opposed to obtaining clipping levels just a short turn off the stop.

You would have a problem if you turned your Marantz to maximum volume without being able to obtain full output.

Your system description and resulting sound pressure levels leads me to believe that this is not the case. Just enjoy it, and understand that the engineering was good, even if it is different from what you are accustomed to.
Check to see if there are input level trims. Also, check the speaker level settings. You should calibrate them so that the center channel is at zero on the Marantz when reading 75DB on an SPL meter playing the speaker test tone (Rat Shak SPL meter...if you don't got it...get it).

If all the levels are correct, then don't worry about it as long as it gets loud enough for you...matter of fact there may be advantages since most volume controls sound better in the upper ranges.

The Sound Broker