"AT Audiogon" "ON Audiogon" Help

Sitting in my chair responding to a fellow Audiogon member I came to a pause..... one finger on the letter "A" the other, on the "O". "What is it?" I ask myself. I need your opinions fellow members. Here's my example
"You can buy cable at Audiogon"
"You can buy cable on Audiogon"
Your votes please.
either choice is fine – normal grammar rules are not applicable with the internet and this is terminology that will work either way, it is all about you…………do what you "feel" best about and enjoy the experience "at" your leisure and "on" your own time…
Sorry Ekistler sj. I was just being playful and not attempting to answer the question in a serious manner - it was an effort to create a Seinfeld type of dialogue more than anything.

When writing emails, I commonly make references such as:

I have a question concerning your ad at Audiogon... or
There is an excellent thread that recently appeared on Audiogon...

Either way works for me, but definitely not "in Audiogon"
That's my point Members. We can all agree that Audiogon is (in theory) a place. We can be AT a place but at the same time, we buy, sell and trade ON this site Boy ... this has me stumped!
Wmcmanus - I misunderstood your intention. As is my custom, I was typing a little faster than I was thinking. ;^]
If you consider Audiogon a site. It would be at Audiogon.
If you consider Audiogon a webpage. It would be on Audiogon. That's my vote.