Music trivia anyone?

First one to post the correct answer gets the positive votes.No negative votes allowed for the wrong answer. Anyone else with a music trivia question go ahead and ask.
QUESTION: Who is the walrus?
Undertaker, your hint wasn't too much help, as that's one of their few albums I never got! Let me try with their producer, George Martin, who played piano on a number of their albums, including the Help album. Otherwise, how about Billy Preston, who played the organ on a number of their releases. Here's a question which I have no idea why I remember it--in the late 60s, there was a group (SF based, I think) which recorded a song "Endless Tunnel", an extremely forgettable acid-rock anthem along the lines of the Doors' "The End". If you listened to WNEW-FM in NYC in the late 60s, you might remember it. Name the group.
hey, Rcprince, I don't know the answer to yours, BUT
"what song do all New York Area radio stations play at noon on Thanksgiving Day?
Jayboard, you got it,dude. It's amazing how men begin to sqirm when I make the comment that memory is the SECOND thing to go. Silly.... but, then, that's what helps us enjoy this life - all the silly moments :-)
Sedond--nope, try again. It was this group's only song I ever heard played on the radio, but maybe someone from the Bay area around that time knew more of them. The song, which was one of those 10+ minute songs, was about a guy on a train in a tunnel that was going somewhere, he kept asking the conductor where they were headed, and the conductor just "walked on by"---finally, he gets to the motorman, who says I don't know, I'm just following the tracks. Typical 60s acid rock stuff.

Angela, since I'm usually just getting up then, I'm never listening, but I'll guess that it's Bruce Springstein's version of Santa Claus is Coming to Town?