What is your OTHER passion?

Now we are all passionate about quality audio, right? But next to audio, what interests us? (No sexual exploits, please, I'm getting old).
Mine is motorsports...especially CART, F1, and just about anything with a motor that hums! Rebuilding a 2-stroke is a joy that I crave. Used to race karts...thereby comes my moniker. Favourite drivers: Paul Tracy, Scott Pruett, Mario, Montoya, and the oldies such as Malcolm Cambell, Rudy Carraciola (German), and many others who lived such romantic racing lives. My one desire is to go to Indy...got to wait for the boy to gain a few years.
Sex. I really enjoy having sex. Did I mention that I like to have sex? Sex is fun. Too bad I'm married, huh?
Trying to keep my head above water.

During low tides I do enjoy a round of golf and a couple of Flor de Farach cigars with my buddies. (None of whom have the slightest inkling of interest in music, for some damn reason.) I think I remember having sex long, long, ago in a galaxy far, far away...
(Not necessarily in this order): white water kayaking, backpacking, working out, competitive shooting, cross country ski-skating, mountain and road biking, fly fishing, scuba diving, bar tending at home, and best of all sharing them with my family and friends! (got to sleep in there someplace)