Paradigm 9SEMKIII... Dark Speakers?

Hey Folks

Welp, ive really had a decent chance to get aquainted with the Paradigm's ive replaced my radioshack speakers with.

Man these speakers are pretty dark.

Im running a Denon 3805 as a pre, a Denon POA2800 amp (200wpc), and typical lamp cord style monster cable.

I was never too sure what somebody meant when they referred to speakers as "Dark" but now i really know.

When i crank them they sound fantastic and really come to life, but with lower level listening they are so dark they come across as depressing!

Has anyone else owned a pair of these and had similar experiences? It is not the accoustics of the room as that room tends to be a bit bright.

Anybody have any reccommendations to brightening up the sound a little bit? Low Cost? They ARE bi-wireable and i was thinking of wiring up the upper end with silver cable. think that might help? im using copper for now, not bi-wired

these speakers were never intended to be a permamant fixture in my system, but as something to replace the Radioshackers untill i can get something better.

Also... Just curious, i dont have a lot of experience with paradigms, but i have noticed sifferent speaker brands have different flavors to them. Would this be the paradigm sound? Or is this something specific to this model?
Slappy, got any white spray paint ?
Just bustin yer chops, maybe the silver wire could brighten them up a bit (little more liveliness) @ low levels.
A couple brews of your choice and some attractive company might help too !


I'm afraid I'm not much help but here is a website that has a dedicated thread to Paradigm Speakers:

I'm in no way affiliated with the website other than I find it a friendly community.


I have the 5SEMKIII. Dark? Not sure if that is the correct word. Lacking in ultimate detail and suffering from boxiness somewhat? Yes. Kick butt bass? Without a doubt.

I did find bi-wiring to be a noticeable improvement over the crappy jumpers. I also agree that when you crank them they sound much better, they really like to rock. AC/DC baby!

I have never tried silver cabling with the speakers. I have wanted to as I think it will improve the resolution but my $$ is tied up in other areas right now.

All in all though, they aren't perfect but I really enjoy them. Their faults are more of omission if anything.

I would give the silver cabling (Signal cable maybe?) a whirl, bi-wired.

Good luck,