Sonus Faber vrs Magnepan


I was just wondering how my Magnepan Mg12 (with Mye stands) would compare to Sonus Fabers? Specially the SF I am looking at is the Signum, but general comments are welcome.

I might be moving to a room where the maggies will not work. So I am looking for possible replacements.

Also, how well would my Blue Circle CS work with Sonus Fabers?

Many thanks,

I have an 11 x 13.5 room with 8ft ceiling. Since the Signums are rear ported (and I would only be able to have the rear of speaker 2ft from wall behind it) do you think they'd fit?

Also, I received an e-mail from a former Signum owner who said he found them to have an upper midrange glare that caused him to have to sell. Based on 4-5 SF models I've heard, this sounds odd. I've also found that upper midrange glare is often caused by amps (especially tubes amps, and I am a tube person) or interfaces btw amps and speakers. Any experience about this?
I never had a problem with the Signum's upper midrange. It could be that certain equipment and cabling brings this out. With the VAC Ren. 30/30 the midrange was lush- strings, vocals and acoustic music are wonderful on these speakers.

The Signums are small two way monitors so I think your room size is fine. The speaker can work 2 feet in front of the wall which should help reinforce the upper bass and lower midrange. I like to set them up 7 feet apart and toed in so that they are aimed 1 foot behind your head. I hope this helps. Good luck!

Upper glare can also be casued by dirty current. Changing the wall outlet to a shunyata outlet in my system removed a considerable amount of glare from the highs. I also use powerconditioning and upgraded powercords and they help a lot.

best of luck with the new speakers.