B&W Sig. 805 and Merlin TSM

I have a B&W sig. 805 5.1 system that is great. Unfortunately, the bug for a change has hit. I have great interest in the merlin tsm mm/mx speaker also for 5.1. Please help out with comparisons? All input is appreciated.

I'm glad that everyone likes the Merlins. I have not had a chance to hear them. However, I can guarantee that the sig 805 is in a totally different league than the CDM 1NT. I've owned both. They are light years apart.

TheChair, not sure if you are confusing speakers here. The sig 805 is different, and quite a bit better, than the Nautilus 805.
hi jwh,
please inform us what kind of electronics you will be using and the cable brand.
bobby at merlin
Yes,the Signatures are much better than the CDM1NTs.The new 805S are better than the Nautilus 805,but not as good as the Signatures.The 705 beats the old Nautilus 805...and so on and so forth.

S7horton,hearing the Merlins is nothing,"living" with them,is what is special.I know,I listen to them every day ...

James is thinking in the right direction.Although, I would think stereo,instead of 5.1,but thats my opinion,only.
I have listened to the new 805S 's for close to two hours. The Merlin TSM-MX's are better in nearly all respects. I have not listened, yet, to 805 Signatures, but I'm told the 805S's are a poor man's 805 Sig, and that the sound is the same or close, but that the Sig has the better finish. If so, the Merlins are better.

Most versions of 805 I have heard and the Merlins cut off bass extension at similar levels. I've heard 805's image well, although Merlins are better here. Niether have a decisive edge in dynamics. But where the Merlin TSM's really pull away from the 805's is in the accuracy of midrange reproduction. (Also the coherency of the midrange and the highs.)
I compared the VSM-MMs and the Nautilus 801s...With the exception of absolute bass extension, the merlins were truly in another league. There was nothing, with the exception of low end extension that the N801s did better, or even nearly as good as, the merlins. Low end extension aside, the VSM-MMs bass was MUCH more articulate and detailed.

I also compared the merlins to the N805s, and I found the N805s unlistenable in comparision. I haven't heard the Sig 805s or the TSM series of merlins, but based on my observation and experience with the VSM-MMs and the N801s, I wouldn't hesitate to go with the Merlins over the Sig805s.