Do you know of small speakers that sound ''BIG'' ?

I was wondering if anyone has heard of small or monitor speakers that defy perception by sounding larger or bigger than they are ? I have always owned floorstanders and do not have much experience with the smaller fry....for the sake of discussion I would like that we NOT include small floorstanders - just speakers that we would normally use a stand with. Thanks !
"Take any line of speakers and move from the monitors to the floorstanders. Huge difference. One monitor in any given line might sound better than a floorstander in another line. I think that is often confused with considering the smaller speaker to sound 'bigger.'"
Good point. I feel that the "monitors" I now own from Intuitive Design sound better than the floorstanders I used to own from a different line. This is not to say that the floorstanders were bad, just that these monitors are phenomenal. The next step up in the Intuitive Design line is 38,000 dollars, then 65,000 dollars, so they're not a consideration for me.
Spica TC-60s. John Atkinson wrote Stereophile about them,

"...excellent bass extension for a relatively small speaker... mid-treble is clean, clean, clean... The soundstage thrown by the Spicas on this atmospheric track was HUGE... The Spicas do the virtual space thing in a manner that is unrivaled until you start to get into kilobucks territory."

He wasn't wrong. They image like gangbusters, and at moderate volume levels, voices and instruments are presented life-size. Positioned correctly, the have much greater bass weight than you'd expect from a small speaker - acoustic bass and kick drum are convincing. I love mine. Every time I listen to Paul Simon's "Graceland", Lyle Lovett's "I Love Everyone", or Steely Dan's "Everything Must Go", I think "Wow!" On "But Beautiful", Boz Scaggs' voice floats solid and life-size ten feet in front of me, and when I look at the speakers I could swear they're doing nothing.

An absolute steal. Still, I found some change under my sofa cushions and am about to replace them with a pair of Martin Logan Aerius i electrostats - I've been spoiled by my Stax Lambda Pros.
Hamonic Precision Caravelles. As big a sound as I have ever heard from that size speaker, with the sonics top to bottom. I loved them...warren