I currently own the Merlins VSM-M speakers and have for the past 5 years. My experience with lead-free solders is very positive. Over the last 8 months or so I have removed and replaced my previous Cardas leaded solder with Johnson Mfg IA-423 lead free solder on my preamp. The sound was cleaner, clearer and livelier in general. My experience with lead solder is that it adds heaviness and certain dullness to the sound. The lead free sound is faster with better definition across all frequencies. The Johnson IA-423, with a 6.4% silver/copper content (see link below), is the best sounding solder I have experience with and easily out performed the cardas and WBT solder I was previously using.
I have not heard the newer lead free e-version Merlin speakers but I strongly suspect they will sound superior to the previous leaded versions based on my personal experience. I am in the process of trying to remove as many leaded solder joints as possible in my audio equipment and replace them with high silver content lead free solder joints.
Link: http://www.johnsonmfg.com/temp/SOLDER.HTM
I have not heard the newer lead free e-version Merlin speakers but I strongly suspect they will sound superior to the previous leaded versions based on my personal experience. I am in the process of trying to remove as many leaded solder joints as possible in my audio equipment and replace them with high silver content lead free solder joints.
Link: http://www.johnsonmfg.com/temp/SOLDER.HTM