Anyone have the Dynaudio Contour 1.4's?

I think I have decided to get the 1.4's even though I have not heard them. I actually was in the market to get the 1.3SE's but they are impossible to find. Those who have the 1.4's or listened to them, whats your thoughts? There are not many reviews out there.
I always liked how neutral the speakers were. Everything that I have owned, BM15A, BM6A, Air 20, MKII, 1.3SE have really just wowed me. The 1.3SE's were a bit more forward on the top end, but I still loved them. What do you think about your 1.4's?
I find them actually to be pretty similar sounding to the 1.3SE, so if you like them, you'll surely like the 1.4 as well.

Typically contour-range Dyaudio. I compared the 1.3SE and the S1.4 back to back in a well setup room at the dealer, and I ended up with the 1.4 mainly because they are just the current model. I'm sure there are suble sonic differences between them, but they did not show through a several hour long audition with A/B.

They can be forward sounding like any other Dynaudio if they aren't setup right - but it sounds like you're already familliar with the Dynaudio thing.

I think their unusual cosmetics keeps them from being one of the most talked about speakers, but I don't think any of the big companies makes a better monitor for less than $3k