Need your help finding a pair of speakers.........

Hello all,
I just sold a pair of AndraII's. Everthing is packed and ready for my helper to pick-up for shipping on Tuesday 12/27/2006. I have a budget of $20K-30K. Can you please give me some recommendations based on experience? It took me a long time and a lot of money to find the Andra's but my curiosity got the best of me so here i am looking for new stuffs. I would like to keep my electronics (conrad/johnson top-of-the-line). For the last 5 years, I have not kept anything for more than a year. This time, i would like to buy a pair of speakers that I can keep for a long time. If needed I will expand my budget but prefer not. No WILSON please, I have tried and they are not for me.
Thanks for your time,
Ag insider logo xs@2xginas
"How about this?....Jtinn says" It is better than the MBL 101e and all the kharmas line."

who also owns part of the company in question...hmm....shocker.
GMA, DK design, Zu, H2O, and the list goes on. What do they have in common? Shills who use every opportunity to drone on and on about them.

You'd figure if they were that good they'd be listening to them rather than have the time to plug them in over 100 posts, but that's too simplistic I guess.

Shills have rarely contributed anything positive to a product, usually the more the hype, the greater the suspicion that they would require all the "help" from the promoters.

Give it a rest, we've heard it all before.
When he sold Kharma, it was the best. When he sold Tenor, it was the best.

And so it goes...........
All I can say is that I personally will Not call anything the Best. That is because there are lots of things out there that I may not have heard or are not very familiar with. I will say however that the big Kharmas and Tenors are definitely amongst the elite and amongst the best available. I will also say that the Evolution Acoustics is the BEST speaker I have ever heard. When you hear them, it is not like listening to a speaker due to the way they disappear and their UNBELIEVABLE level of purity, clarity, resolution, etc. It is really hard to put into words, that is how impressed I was and that is why I can't wait to get my personal pair of MM2's. To understand my taste, I have been impressed with the following speakers: Verity Sarastros, Kharma Exquisites, Avalon Eidelon and Larger Avalons, MBL 101e's, big ESP's. These are all fantastic examples of super HiFi, but the Evoluton Acoustics transcended HiFi.
Evolution Acoustics MM2's, Ascendo System M-S, Green Mountain Continuum 3's.