Pass amps: newer xa30.8 or older xa60.5 ?

I'm always intrigued by choices we have as consumers when companies introduce new models after a successful run of a popular lineup.

In this case we have the choice in the used market between the newer .8 series stereo model going for about the same price pre-owned as a used monoblock set of the highly regarded xa60.5.

Which would you choose?
Acurus and Teajay, okay I hear what you are saying, that you feel the .8 is a signficant upgrade over the .5, but I am not comparing apples to apples. I'm comparing the 30 watt stereo single chassis .8 to the monoblock .5 which has more power and benefits from the supposed advantages of monoblocks.

Still feel the same way?
I haven't spoken to Kent about the .8 series. But in the past he has suggested the AB amps for B&W speakers. I've had my speakers for about 20 years since they were new, but I won't keep them forever.

I'm not actively looking to make a purchase anytime soon, I am just wondering about the comparison, because the 2 models are almost exactly the same price.

You're probably right about the power. The 100 watt monoblocks are probably the better choice for me.

In the meantime, I love my x250.5 and probably shouldn't even be thinking about the others. But I can't help it!! :)
Kent's advice has always been right on the money in my experience. I would be curious about his impressions, although your previous conversation suggests he may recommend the higher powered option.
Can we stop the shameless plugs for Reno in every single Pass thread? Really?

There is more than one Pass dealer in the USA.
Yeah I agree that does get tiresome. For the record I mentioned Kent who is works at Pass factory, not Reno. It was the other guy who brought up Reno.
Acurus see my question posed to you above. Thanks for your feedback.