What is the best speaker for a smallish room?

I currently have a wonderful EAR 890 power amp, a Klyne SK-6 pre-amp and a pair of Piquet modified Quads. It's a great combination but I'll probably need to relocate to a smaller room -- 11 x 15 or so. I am thinking about substituting the Quads with another great speaker. The quads are just great, although they move less air than I would like them to. I thought about a pair of Sonus Faber Extrema, but I believe they like large rooms. I am open to a bi-amplification solution. Thanks.
Thanks for all your advice. I ended up buying a pair of Reference 3a Di Capo i (although I also liked Thiel 2.3). I was intrigued by the absence of crossover. I will not sell my Quads though...will keep you posted on how the sound. The reviews I have read are quite promising.
hummmm - sounds interesting.
Do let us know what you think of the speakers, and if you can get them sounding good in your room/system! The reviews sound promising.
I'm very interested in simple crossover, high efficiency speakers. And, when you come across affordable smaller monitors like this, I'm always very interested in checking em out.
Keep us clued in!
So, I have been using my Reference 3a Di Capo i with my EAR 890 and Klyne preamp. This is a very good speaker, definitely recommended. It doesn't quite match the sophistication of my ESL 57, but they are growing on me. They like tubes, and my Klyne preamp might not be the best fit -- they are just a tiny bit too detailed with some recordings, and if a recording is bad, they definitely don't help it.