NHT S-00 and NHT M-00 - you can find these new for $750 and you can adjust the presentation for your listening setup (being in a corner you may want to move the sub out a bit). The sub will allow you to dial in more bass for emotional energy. I am familiar with the newer Genelec actives and I know why they are not fatiguing - it is beauce they are extremely accurate (but they are bass limited which is why the M-00 is perhaps a better option for you)
A word of caution - emotional energy/excitemnet that grabs you in teh chest often means a colored presentation that will sell easily in a demo but will have you tired/fatigued very quickly.
The best speakers do not always sound the best in a qucik comparison - often the "hyped" speaker will be chosen (more emotional/detailed) and the unlucky listener will go home only to discover the fatiguing nature of the hyped speaker with extended listening.
A word of caution - emotional energy/excitemnet that grabs you in teh chest often means a colored presentation that will sell easily in a demo but will have you tired/fatigued very quickly.
The best speakers do not always sound the best in a qucik comparison - often the "hyped" speaker will be chosen (more emotional/detailed) and the unlucky listener will go home only to discover the fatiguing nature of the hyped speaker with extended listening.