Sealed Monitor Speakers

I'm starting a new thread from by post below and am now looking for sealed box speakers only. The Proac Studio 110s are now out and here are a few sealed enclosure speakers I'm considering around $1500.


Harbeth (any in my price range?)

Aerial 5B (nice but out of my price range and I don't like metal tweeters.)

Any others I should look at?

Thanks Cruz, those are supposed to be outstanding speakers.

They are out of my price range new but there is a used pair on Agon right now for $1500.
I know that you wrote "sealed box monitors" only but I had to write this post!
Consider the Green Mountain Audio monitors - Europa Max, Callisto & the latest Eos.
They are ported but they are correctly designed ported monitors. They sound right & the port does not detract from the overall sound. The Callisto has gotten tremendous praise & respect from virtually every owner & at all shows that it was taken to. It truely is a world-class speaker that sounds like music.
I'm sure that you will be happy w/ this speaker (as many, many others before you).
Callistos come up for sale on Audiogon fairly regularly.
NHT SOO and MOO is an option but wall mount could look ugly due to power cords..