Suggestions on a Musical, Full Range Speaker

I currently have a Clayton M300 SS amps, with Cary SLP-05 & 306 CD player and looking for high end full range speakers that are musical and not fatiguing. Room size is 13 x 21 with 8 ft ceiling consisting of hardwood floor over basement and standard drywall walls. Room has large rug, furniture, wall treatments, and two large openings to other large rooms. Speakers potentially located 10 ft apart and 1 feet from wall. Interested in creating a demo list of potential contenders in the $5-12k range new/used that would be considered class A for the category.
I highley recommend the Montana EPS 2 speakers. They play all types of music very well with an efficientcy rating of 92 db.
I love those Dynaudios too, Sapphires, very nice. In your range I think you have to test drive the Quad 2905, they are truly sublime and would match very well with your already excellent gear. Also, check out the Linn Accurates.

Good luck, post some pictures when you choose.
Check out Green Mountain Calypso's. Best I've ever heard for that kind of room, and fairly friendly to tubes too. Time aligned like the Vandersteens mentioned above, but also built to a higher standard with a high level mathematical modeling involved in their design.