Silverline Sonata III & McIntosh MC275?

I am planning to upgrade my speakers and I am just wondering if this combination works?

I currently have the Sonata I now and the C-220 / MC275 combo works quite well with them. Haven't seen much of the McIntosh & Silverline combos around. I heard that the Sonata III are totally different than the old Sonata I. What are the sonic-differences in between them two? I researched and researched and was so discouraged just because I haven't found any info with a system which consist the two, or even a person who tried this combo... Would like to get some advice before making the purchase. Thanks!
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Can I ask you Silverline experts a related question? I have heard it said that in general, the speakers need room placement well away from rear or side walls. If so, I can not accomodate them. About 2ft in front of CD racks is the best I can manage. Has anyone any views on this? thanks
I haven't found the set up of my Silverlines any different that any other similar full range dynamic speakers I've used. They all worked a couple of feet from the wall behind them, the bass was a bit uneven, and the soundstage depth was compressed. I love my speakers and if I had no alternative I would move them back rather than replace them.

But would I have spent all that money on a high resolution speaker in the first place, probably not. I'd have lowered my expectations and gotten some less expensive but good quality speakers like Spendors. FWIW.
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Blindjim. Thanks for the email. I really appreciate your info as well as your prospective. The idea of posting a thread asking if someone around me has the speakers... really inspires me and I think I will be doing so. My listening space is very very tight. Sonata I right now yields a decent result, a bit thin in bass but the MC275 made up a bit to compensate it. A new problem now may arise which is that the speakers may cause booming. Honestly, I have absolutely no space for bass traps. However, a more opened top is definitely welcome for letting more details to come through. I know that I have to hear it for myself to know... but it is such a big operation to get it done. Buying them in without knowing the sound is such a gamble nowadays. Recession will make the task very tough if I want to sell the Sonata III after trying them without success. They are big too, in my case it will really become a headache if they are not the one...