Anyone using Duelund VSF capacitor in Merlin VSM

Has anyone experience from using these capacitors in Merlin speakers.
I have a smaller room perfectly sized for my Merlin VSM-MX.
I just love them and wonder if they could be improved.
I use tube throughout system apart from Meridian CD player.

Many Thanks!
At around 200 hours now, and just wanted to chime in with my latest impressions. System is singing!!! There's always been a feminine quality to the refinement of each incarnation of the VSM that I've heard. Now, on top of that, they're ballsy! Perfect alchemical marriage of male/female qualities. Merlin indeed!
800+ hours and they are really singing. The drivers are in perfect balance and the sound continuos top to bottom. This has resulted in very long fatigue free listening sessions that are most enjoyable.
Who's gonna be the first Merlin nut to have the new MXr(I'm planning on going to RMAF this year)?

Refresh our memories...........MXr, larger port, different cabinet, more mass damping???
