Recommended Speaker for Triode Amp

I've been living with inefficient Thiel 3.6 speakers for many years now, but now I'm getting a new integrated Triode amplifier rated at 20 watts per channel. I'm not familiar with horn and open baffle speakers, or other inefficient designs and could use some help.

I listen mostly to jazz, female voice, acoustical types, and rock, as opposed to Big Band and orchestral music. I have a fairly small listening room. I do like my bass, so if it's there I want to produce it well.

I've seen some speaker kits and I am handy but don't have a lot of woodworking tools. For example, I would not want to cut those large round speaker holes.

I also don't understand how to match a speakers efficiency to the power output of an amp, or maybe that doesn't matter as long as you can drive the speakers to loud levels.

I do have two goals. The first is to spend between $3K to $6K tops, and the second is to smoke my Theil 3.6 speakers.

Help and recommendations are appreciated.
Magnificent high-efficiency custom and semi-custom designs, affordable heirloom-qualitiy works of art that make beautiful music:

No commercial affiliation.

Audionote makes one in your price range I heard at length a couple weeks ago. ($5500.00)They were very nice with 10 watt 300B amps. great bass. Also depending on room size and how loud, I've driven my Harbeth SHL5s with 22 watts of 845 and the sound was very nice.
I have a question! Are the horns mentioned above compatible with a fairly small room (15 x 13 x 10h)?

I checked out the KCS speakers, but I have no room for a sub and not sure if the bookshelf models would give me the low end I need.
Take a look at Sonist speakers. They are designed to be used with low power amps.