Looking for really fine cables at really low price

I have been listening to excellent sounding Exemplar exception cables for the last several weeks. While my HFCables are better they are also much more expensive than the below $500 cables.

They offer an excellent sound stage, dynamics, and top to bottom quality sound. Not only are they inexpensive but they are very portable and easy to install.

I am not a dealer or investor in this company.
Ha! Jet, the cumulative impact of the WE stranded 16ga wire is just amazing. I placed a second and final IC set of WE ICs in this morning and all is great right now.

I find the WE ICs betters the Belden in stage expanse, realism, and top end openness. Not by a huge amount, but significant in my rig. The midrange has a tad more presence.

Like Mitch said this wire is an all time best buy for me. I only have 30 feet left.
Grannyring I agree with you about the WE ICs vs Belden. The synergy between WE/WE...yes. This musical light I mentioned seems to open up the sound in a VERY SPECIAL way. In my rig and to my ears Belden is missing this light. Heck most any cables are lacking this special something...whatever it is.
Rob, we will see what Mr. Day thinks of the WE ICs vs. Belden. Break in seems a little more unpredictable when this wire is used as an IC. Makes no sense to me? Well perhaps it is because the connectors are now in play? Can't be? Oh well, it just is.

Right now I am using a $400 DIY NOS dac for my front end and my sound system has reached new heights. I have a used Lector Hybrid amp that cost me $950 and combined with the $400 dac, my system is better than ever. I sold all my expensive cable also! This darn wire has been a game changer for my ears. Yes, it elevates the gear used with it. At least it has in my experience.
To recap the break in time of my WE 16g ICs-
At about 150 hours they turned the first corner and became open and very expressive. At about 175 they turned brittle and shortly after shut totally down. At sometime well after 200 hours they have opened back up into the glorious open expressive sound they have today. Are they fully broken in? Who knows....
Jet, have you considered trying finer gauge WE cable for interconnects instead of the 16g?