Looking for really fine cables at really low price

I have been listening to excellent sounding Exemplar exception cables for the last several weeks. While my HFCables are better they are also much more expensive than the below $500 cables.

They offer an excellent sound stage, dynamics, and top to bottom quality sound. Not only are they inexpensive but they are very portable and easy to install.

I am not a dealer or investor in this company.
In listening to Kind of Blue the first thing I noticed with the WE was the increased amount of tape hiss.

This is always a tell tale sign of resonance.

When the Jupiter Copper Foil caps when in my phono section I was shocked at the noise reduction, just incredible. Jupiter caps are the lowest resonant cap I have heard. (not my favourite cap but lowest noise)

Resonance is not talked about like it should be.
I wonder why I never had any, zero, of this type problem? Jeff Day, Yazaki-san never mentioned any of these break-in dramatic changes. Again mine started out really good and just kept getting better and better. My WE16ga is not dark on top, they are very extended. They have wonderful resolution. They are transparent with all the detail I would ever want. They have stellar tone, texture, color. Excellent tuneful bass. They are natural sounding, organic. Outstanding musical flow and PRAt. In brief, everyone visiting my house yesterday loved them, regardless of what cables they owned. I'll go into detail at a later time.
Late today my brother and I are going to start installing the Arizona capacitors and Ohmite resistors per Yazaki-san instructions. Then over this next week we are going to re-wire internal wires and capacitors in speakers and some other items, probably follow Grannyring pathway. Best, Rob
Break-in is something real and I have never understood why some would argue different. I have tinnitus and am very sensitive to upper mids and highs. My ears are set off with the wrong combo wether a stereo or live music. My ears and tinnitus react differently with the same recording at the same volume as cables change with burn in. This is an objective reality based on experience. This is a physical not physiological phenomenon. Any bit of glare or edge in the critical upper mids and highs sets my ears to ringing and is just uncomfortable for me to listen to for long periods of time.
The same wire that forces me to turn the system off can with burn-in cause me to turn up the volume and enjoy for long periods of time.

Yes, some break-in is for the worse and the end result was not as good as the beginning or mid point. I found that to be true for some Vishay Z Foil resistors recently.

I have also experienced that moving cables in and out of a system, bending, turning etc...requires some time for re-settling in. I found this particularly true for solid core power cables.
You're comments, Salectric, are a bit dumbfounding, what could possibly be going on in your systems that Jeff Day didn't hear, Yazaki-san/his design crew didn't hear; Why he chose this speaker wire. Why the many Day stellar colleagues don't hear what you hear. The legion of Day readers who caused this wire to sell-out don't hear, same for the Decware folks and buzz on other audio web sites. I am guessing your ears aren't better than the rest of us. As the cliche states, "to each his own" that makes the world go round. Best, Rob
Grannyring, All,
Yes Wire and equipment has break-in; but I think this concept/reality is stretching out to the hyperbolic. Not many other folks found the Break-in as bad as Salectric, getting dark and closed in where he had to remove the cable. At least now I have a benchmark, like with reviewers, if person A likes a particular thing I will likely not like it. If person B likes a particular thing I will likely like it too. This is good. "Makes the world go round." "Different strokes for different folks." Me, I come down on the side of Day, Yazaki-san, We16ga, unequivocally. That is obvious, or else I would never have brought this wire to the attention of Agon in this and other threads. Again, love the hackneyed expression YMMV. Best, Rob