why do people feel the need to buy expensive cable

I have tried expensive cables and one's moderately priced. I would say there were some differences but I can't actually say the expensive cables were better. IMHO I believe a lot of people buy expensive cables because they don't actual trust their ears and are afraid of making a mistake. They figure the expensive cables are better for the fact they cost more. If you have a difference of opinion or share the same thoughts, I would like to hear about it.
People feel the need because to them it makes the system sound better. I think if you hear a difference and it's worth it to you then you do it. Cables and equipment are always going to be priced high because the demand in the market is there. I once was in a room where there was half a million plus dollars worth of equipment and cabling and the owner flat out enjoyed it. Did his system sound better than anything I heard? Yes! Would I spend that amount in audio equipment and cabling? No! However, I would never criticize someone else for doing it. Yeah you can get by with cheaper cabling and equipment and enjoy it. However, the sound of the equipment and cabling in that room I heard that day was flat out amazing. It's still in my head two years later. Enjoy your cables! 1.00 or $10,000. If it's worth it to you! If others have something to say about it. Cut your system on and drown out the noise. Don't talk just listen.lol. Audio is a need! We all are nuts!
Lol Calvin, yes no question it is possible to put together a musical sounding system (incl: wire) on a relatively modest budget if you do your homework & choose your gear wisely. Going 2nd hand or getting a good deal through an Audio dealer obviously helps as well. I should clarify, my above comments were only directed at two or three shills/rear end tow ropes who repeatedly subject forum members to obvious shilling. I don't need to name names as it's pretty obvious who they are. I'm sorry if any other members took though my comments were directed at them. And yes, give the fact i'd rather be single and buy more audio gear suggests i'm a bit nuts!

It's funny you mention being single and buying more gear. When I go to audiophile shows I get the sense that most of the people attending are single. It seems like being an audiophile and being single go hand in hand. Just my observation. I could be wrong.
Taters, I think most wives who don't share their spouses love of audio know when to stay home, and they certainly don't need to worry about any shenanigans, basically a nerdfest LOL