Pass Labs vs ARC

Good Holidays to everyone.

Anybody have enough direct experience with the Ref 5 SE vs the XP25 to offer an opinion?

Also, any general opinions on ARC vs Pass would be appreciated as well.

I would expect you to hear from Bo1972 at some point. If you look at a recent ARC Ref 5 SE thread you'll see he vastly prefers Pass to ARC. You'll also see there are plenty more who like the ARC.
Meant to compare ARC Phono Ref 2se, not the Ref 5se, which is the line stage pre. Thanks.
I can't comment on the two specific pieces of equipment you mention, but I can comment on ARC vs Pass. Both are quite good but they are different flavors. Personally I prefer Pass (I own Pass gear). I was once upon a time heavy into tubes and I generally preferred CJ to ARC (I once owned an ARC amp for a very short time). 

So so generall my impression is that ARC is a little sharper than is Pass. But if you want tubes, I kid you not, I prefer Rogue to either CJ or ARC (I sold my JC Premier gear and went to Rogue)