Elrog 300B vs Takatsuki 300B tubes

Has anyone heard the Elrog 300B tubes ? I read an article which mentioned that the Elrog 300B delivers 15% less power than a traditional 300B tubes. Can anyone confirm that it is audible ?

I am choosing between Elrog and Takatsuki 300B tubes. I would prefer the Elrog because it is cheaper and supposedly wonderful but if it really sounds less powerful then I have to rethink.
Hi Jet, The resistor needed is 1,2K ohms/10 watts. Yes, as you say raising the resistance(slightly in this case) lowers the "turn on" stress on the 300b.I'm looking forward to doing this and will see what happens. George  contacted me this morning and said I'll have a replacement sent in about 3 weeks. As usual he's right on top of things (utterly supportive).  I was told the brand of resistor isn't particularly important for this application. But I figure may as well go high quality, good parts always seem to make a difference even if only subtle sometimes.
Really sorry to hear of your Elrog problem.; but isn't it great that folks like George provides solid support, Jetrexpro or Grannyring, or Salectric do provide sound advice along with that stalwart named Almarg...good luck. Best, Rob
Charles, I would suggest a resistor at least 20 watts in this position. The heat you are dissipating could be from 6 to 8 watts. For instance the original Joe Roberts WE91a schematic calls for a 50watt resistor in this position. You could also go with two Mills 2.4k 12 watt resistors in parallel. That would give you a 1.2k / 24w resistor. I believe a 10 watt resistor will be burnin hot and too close to its max tolerance.
Charles1dad, that is great of George to send you another pair of replacement tubes, but why not just ask for a refund?  So far you have had 2 separate Elrog 300B tube failures and to date you have been lucky that the failures did not result in any damage to your amps.  Why push your luck?  If a refund is not available, do you intend to sell the replacement tubes in an attempt to recoup some of your investment?

I just crossed Elrog off my Christmas list. 
Excellent comments by Jet just above, regarding the power rating of the replacement resistor(s).  And I note in this schematic, which was referenced earlier in the thread, that a 25 watt rating is shown for the present 1K resistor.

In general, it is good practice to "derate" a resistor's power rating (i.e., to have the rating exceed the expected actual dissipation) by at least a factor of 2 and preferably more.

Rob, thanks for the kind comment :-)

Best regards,
-- Al