Ok, a bit early- what's on your audio wish list for 2016?

I've asked this in years past.

My number one answer is always more music. 2015 been good to me - lots of new music. And I discovered the world of Internet radio with an inexpensive bloothtooth adapter for my preamp and tunein radio app for my phone. 

On on the hardware side I'm pretty solid now- but I've always got my eyes open for something interesting. Wonder if 2016 is the year I take the hi-Rez plunge. 

And I am forever concerned that my ancient Linn Arkiv B cartridge which is still going strong will bite the dust. 

Pass Labs X250.8 amplifier.  I traded in my X150.5 early 2015 and have regretted it since.  
I felt the same when I sold my Pass X250 years back.  Tried many different amps and wasn't satisfied until I bought the X250.8.

On my wish list is for the negative posts to quit.  Guilty as charged.
Star Wars? I already have six Star Wars movies I don't watch -why do I need another? Honestly, I've never heard one of my "He-Man" systems under the influence. I'd really like to some day. I'm thinking a decent boom-box and a primo doobie would best an ARC/Magico system! Any thoughts?
@dweller You could always move to WA State. THC for personal use is legal, and we've got some great audio shops.

One downside is now with legal MaryJane, it's gotten really hard to find fresh Doritos. Sometimes, you have to convoy all the way to Canada to get the good stuff.

In terms of gear, been pondering about adding a Pass Int-150, though it likely won't happen in 2016.

Careful courant. Sure, you start with Doritos and the next thing you know -boom! It's Cheetos and Ding-Dongs!

Happy Holidays! 

More music for sure!  Followed by finally getting into a space where i can build my dream system.