Upgrading receiver: Got a pair of Dynaudio Sapphires+NAD C740


I recently upgraded from Totem Staafs to Dynaudio Sapphires and of course love the new speakers. I believe my receiver is not doing justice to the speakers and need to upgrade. My budget at this time is $1500. Here are my constraints and questions:
1) If it is worth upgrading from NAD c740 to a higher end Stereo receiver?
2) I need a receiver with ability to drive two pairs of speakers (main dynaudios and other ones are totems in another room). Any suggestions?

I am running C-1's with a 100 watt tube amp and it is plenty of power. I have used solid state amps in the past and I find the tubes give a warmer presentation with the Dyn's.

I think Xti-16 gave you good advice when he said to listen to different amps and see what you like. Everyone has their own taste so you have to find what makes you happy.

Well, the C1a are certainly not the Saphires so Id take that comparison or any talk concerning them with your situation with a grain of salt.Actually more like the Contour 5 series or a sibling to the C2s.Solid state power and lots of it is the only way to go,forget tubes.You need quick,speed,authority and nothing in tubes at your buget will work well IMO
missioncoonery, you are spot on! And I will add, it dose not matter, Contour series or Confidence you cant drive these speakers with tube amplification (or I would be). My contours are rated at 200w and to hear them really open up and swing demands double that power from a very clean, fast, high power amplifier. Heck! I love tubes, that's why I have them in the preamp and phono sections.

Matt M
I have the C1's currently set up in my living room with a complete tube setup and there is no problem filling the room up with sound with low distortion. 

I am not that familiar with the Sapphires so I don't know if a tube amp will power them or not. I have also owned the contours and ran them on the same setup I am running with the C-1's and did not have a problem.