Supratek or Rogue?

I will be upgrading my system from a Rogue Cronus Magnum integrated amp to a pair of the Rogue M-180 monoblocks and a separate preamp. My budget for the preamp is about $2500 so the obvious contender is the Rogue 99 line stage. However, I have recently found out about Supratek and their Chardonnay line stage. The Chardonnay is absolutely gorgeous and 6 Moons gave it a rave review a while ago. The company has a tremendous reputation and following among audiophiles as well. One of the biggest cons for me is the fact that Supratek has no dealer support in the US (or anywhere else for that matter), and if something goes wrong, you're pretty much on your own. Also, the wait time is at least 2 months, if not 6. I'd like to hear your opinions on the matter and see what you would do if faced with this dilemma.

The rest of my system: VPI Classic turntable, Lyra Delos cartridge, Camelot Technology Lancelot phono preamp, Silverline Audio SR-17.5 speakers.

Thank you.

Hi reynolds853

did you have the chance to hear the Supratek/M180 paired together ?


@hicham Considering the post was from 5 years ago you may not hear back but who knows. The new format seems to be leading to lots of ppl responding to very old threads.

reynolds853 & actusreus,

I'd really appreciate your response to this question:

Did you have the chance to hear the Supratek/M180 paired together ?

Please what are your thoughts.

Thank you


Joseph if you put @ in front of each of their usernames Audiogon will send them a message notification. As I said before keep in mind their messages are 5 years old.