cartridge headshell screws.

I cannot believe how much of a difference cartridge headshell screws affect the sound.  I am currently using a Benz glider that was recently retipped.  I was using a set of screws the retipper sent, then tried the VPI screws.  Something did not sound right.  Then I installed the original Benz screws and I'll be darned, amazing difference.  They made all the difference.  Incredible.  Anyone else experience this?
noromance---for an even bigger improvement, have a Decapod installed on your Decca!
I don't know.  I am pretty sure the alignment and azimuth were the same.  It sounded night and day different to my ears.  The Benz micro screws sounded much better than the VPI or the screws which were included with the retip.  Maybe it is what they are made of and the weight as the Benz micro screws were lighter that the other screws.  They do look like they are made out of a different metal than the other two.
dear Raul, I do agree that the torque does affect the playback as well.  It may have been different.
The changes I heard were to me large.  The tonal character of the cartridge changed for the better, better bass, midrange, air, everything.
Well those changes are really " dramatic " for the better. Do you know the Benz screws build material?.  Thank's.

Regards and enjoy the music,