cartridge headshell screws.

I cannot believe how much of a difference cartridge headshell screws affect the sound.  I am currently using a Benz glider that was recently retipped.  I was using a set of screws the retipper sent, then tried the VPI screws.  Something did not sound right.  Then I installed the original Benz screws and I'll be darned, amazing difference.  They made all the difference.  Incredible.  Anyone else experience this?
The changes I heard were to me large.  The tonal character of the cartridge changed for the better, better bass, midrange, air, everything.
Well those changes are really " dramatic " for the better. Do you know the Benz screws build material?.  Thank's.

Regards and enjoy the music,
I do not but they do look different from the others.  The others are lighter in color compared to the Benz screws.