Blue Circle's PLC -2 Thingee conditioner versus Transparent Audio PLC 6 conditioner???:

Looking at two power line conditioners under $400 on sale.  The Blue Circle PL-2 Thingee conditioner and the Transparent Audio PL-2 # 6   conditioner.  The Blue Circle has received a few good reviews, especially Good Sound which was impressed by the: improved sound: that is:  blacker background for music, lower noise floor, better imaging and focus. I have  found little about the .Transparent Audio conditioner which has a more traditional appearance and layout.  I have concerns about the design of Blue Circle  unit which embeds the circuits and outlets in a 5 inch metal tube that is filled with silicon for improved  isolation against vibration.  

The review claimed that the unit gives off a pungent odor because of the silicon crystal insulation.  I am not sure that is not a health hazard along with the  potential  toxicity of the silicon.    Need some feed back about the effectiveness of both products, and the bizarre design and build of the Blue Circle unit.    Thank you

Lowrider57, Thanks again.  Unfortunately, in my enthusiasm I did not post my latest reply to you and it is gone.  Will do it again later or tomorrow .   Cheers to all 

living in downtown L.A., you are certainly on the "grid' my friend.
Susceptible to all kinds of RFI/EMi . Keep us posted and Happy Listening!
Hi everyone, I was just going through this thread on PC'so and am interested in picking up one from Blue Circle but I was also wondering what you're using for surge protection and how everything is connected. Thanks
wmbode, I just rolled the dice and went surge-less a long time ago. Brownouts are rare and when they do occur, nothing happens to my system, save for the extremely rare times when I had to turn it back on.

For me, surge protectors just muddy up the sound. If the power is pretty stable where you live (check it throughout the day with a voltage meter) I'd go straight into the wall with my amp and source and put everything else into the Thingee. All of the other devices don't draw that much current and will be fine.

Case in point: After getting my TWL Digital-American PCs for the amp and source, I used my Zu Mission PCs for the OPPO blu ray player and my Samsung Plasma TV (they used to use some old GTT PCs-with the molded connectors). Now I thought that the Samsung was getting long in the tooth and maybe I'd look into a newer TV, but when I hooked up the Zu PC to it, the picture improved dramatically. I've never seen such deep and detailed levels of black before, not to mention the improved color palette. Same with the OPPO: much better sound and performance, and both are plugged into the Thingee.

All the best,

To Nonoise,  Will using a multiplug adapter that fits over the AC plate in the wall degrade the sound compared to plugging amp and CD player directly into the wall??   I ask because I can only plug the amp into two socket wall outlet, the other outlet I use for the Thingee.  I have a multiple AC adapter that  swings flat against the wall which I bought from Pulse TV;  but, as I mentioned before, I am not sure it is Electrical Underwriters approved. I used before the adapter without incident or summoning the fire brigade.

To Jafant  I may be on the grid, but am not near any highrises or large communication antennae. However, City Hall and the L.A. Central police station are about 4 blocks away. So far, after almost 3 years at my current residence, I don't get any RFI from radio police calls