Tube Phono Stage

Hello Friends
I need a new phono stage, to replace the solid state phono stage, that I have now, whitch I find 50%, of my recordings, can at times, sound's a bit bright, don't get me wrong, we talking about great bass, and I have good ears, as I have a fantastic tube intergrated amp, my system will tell me what is a great sounding LP, and I mean great!!, but then, If I put a poor LP, on it will tell me, it is over produced, sounding a bit harsh, I have done a bit of research, I have came up with two, tube phono stages, within My budget, yeh  I know there are mega buck phono stage's, out there, and most don't come with cartridge loading, on the fly, or rca loading at the rear!!, the two I can come up with are as follows:
1. Decware ZP3, phono stage, with the ZMC1 "sut"
2. Tavish design, Adagio phono stage, with a "sut", built with a seperate power supply, with a price of around the same!!
Yes I want, to open a can of worms!!
What should I go for??
I look foward to your responce
Enjoy the worms and get the Tavish i know the designer its a wonderful product at a great price.

Taking a look at both models, I would go for the Tavish. No need for another "box" like the Decware, since you need more gain.

Looks like youll have to wait awhile until they get their inventory situation resolved first. Have you checked out the Parks Budgie?
Another value tube phono. With a step up, under $800. The ONLY thing I don't care for with any of them is, they LOOK like DIY projects. When my spending is approaching 1k+, I want whatever to look appealing AND sound good.

As mentioned by Yogiboy, if you can up your budget, the Manley Chinook is very nice.There WAS one yesterday listed just a few bucks more than the Tavish. I demoed a Chinook to compare with  my equally priced tubed phono. Very quiet and of course the tube magic that  few SS units can approach. If I didn't have a tubed phono already, with a budget up to 2K , the Chinook would be 
on my list.

Well executed modern tube based phono stages nor most any other tube application, does not result in any significant reduction in treble  or "roll off".

 I don't know the units you are interested in so I will leave it at that.