American Made Audio Unveils New Site For Made in USA Components

American Made Audio - Sharing my new site dedicated to companies that manufacture in the United States - both Made in America and Assembled in America.

Well over 100 companies in the United States manufacture some of the best equipment for audiophiles and cinephiles in the world. But until now there was no one place on the web to find American audio brands.

The main feature of American Made Audio is “The List” – a master listing of all companies that manufacture relevant products in the United States, shown alphabetically. Additional pages show manufacturers by product type, such as amplifiers, speakers, turntables, cables, audiophile music labels, and more, letting customers easily find brands that manufacture in America.

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There are fabulous products manufactured all over the world.  Isn't SQ the most important factor purchasing an AUDIO product?    Have fun compiling the list.
@joecasey There are fabulous products manufactured all over the world. Indeed, so many that it is worth considering additional factors, provenance being one of them. 

International trade is part of a healthy global economy, creating a silo is not a goal of this site. Rather, it is to help consumers and manufacturers gain a better understanding of how the products we love came into being. Bringing clarity to a topic that is murky in the industry will help both manufacturers and consumers.

The idea for the site came about because I had a small list of American products mentioned on a page on my music blog. That page got a lot of traffic -people are searching for things like "american made speakers" or "made in usa tube amps" - but there was no other site that provided that info. Now there is.