Would you go all 1 brand for electronics?

When I was younger I used to dream of stacks. Especially Tandberg. The sexy black and chrome gear was amazingly sexy, and sleek. Ahead of it’s time really in that respect. Kyocera, Studer, Sumo, Amber, Hitachi, Yamaha, Technics, were all making gear that stacked beautifully together. Of course, so was McIntosh.

Then I got to hear a demo of Conrad Johnson gear driving a Martin Logan single panel speaker. It was good, but as soon as the CJ amp got switched out for a solid state amp, it was absolutely magical. That broke the spell for me. When I got older I found myself mixing and matching more and more, as well as often wishing there wasn’t a single damn cable in the system and it all just worked. :)

I tried going all 1 brand with Parasound, but then I discovered great sounding digital amps and instead of going with many Parasounds I went with little monoblocks, and the whole stack idea was broken. They don’t make sources anyway.

So my question for all of you, especially those of you who do not have all 1 brand stacks of gear. If you had to choose, from source to amp, a single brand, what would it be? Of course your paying for it, so keep the cost in mind. :)

I think we should reasonably exclude record players, though some like McIntosh DO make them.



"Older Krell like the KSA series, was always out of reach for me. That would be my first choice. Second choice is Classe." I use to be a dealer for both but didn't keep any for different reasons. Basically because I found others I liked better. I have Gamut amp and speakers but could switch to my CJ and Spendor without much pain. Also use Metrum and Townsend.

@nutty I mentioned Naim and Cygnus I think earlier. Not that I know anything about them. :)

No one has talked about Linn either.

@inna the guy who started YBA?
I had the old tandberg set ups we used to sell them .There reel to reel was sick! I had luxmans over the years Krell too power but wasnt for me  .I still like the mf stuff the nuviista 800 is a beast ..I love my modded nuvista m3 Of course price is  not a concern i would probly do all ref arc ,or ayre

If I ever get this place cleaned up I may buy a Tandberg reel to reel just to have on display. :)


Going all Audio Research is not a bad thing, in fact it's a sound investment having a good resale value, you can tell a lot of effort goes in to build quality both internally and externally.

I always wanted to try Gamut products, tried many other brands but unfortunately not Gamut. You don't hardly ever see their products for sale.