Please help ...integrated amp under $1200

Looking to upgrade my system...integrated amp with new floor standing tower speakers...Would like to stream in addition to vinyl and cds.
Looking at Cambridge cxa 80, nad  c368 ....Possibly monitor silver 10 speakers, Any thoughts or positive recommendations would be most appreciated. Just looking for some practical guidance. Not sure if I want a streamer or can use my laptop or iphone.
tboy,if there’s any way possible bump your budget up a few hundred & get yourself an amp like I have,the iFi Audio"Retro Stereo 50".It has EVERYTHING including a world class DAC,MC/MM phono stage,2 headphone circuits,one optimized for low impedance/high sens.& one for high impedance/low sens.cans,honest to goodness tone controls & the icing on the cake is it’s a TUBE AMP!Uses the audio specific EL84 tubes & makes wonderful wonderful music.Mine is driving Dynaudio Excite X14 monitors in a smallish living room & it’s honestly the best sound I’ve ever had & I came from a Sonus Faber Toy Tower/SimAudio i5.3 integrated amp system so that’s saying a lot!
Welcome to the forum tboy. Undoubtedly you'll find this is a great place resource wise to pose audio related questions. 

The 1200 is a tough price point but for just a bit more ($1400?) perhaps a Musical Fidelity M3si would fit your needs. Among other niceties it has a asynchronous USB DAC built in (streams up to 24-bit/96kHz) so you could hook your computer right up to it and save some dollars elsewhere on a stand-alone DAC. Musical Fidelity typically gets a thumbs up on this site, but there are many here that know more than I and I'm sure will weigh in with their own recommendations.
In addition to the NAD you suggest there are several nice solid state integrated amps for sale on Agon now at or below that price point including: Creek Discovery 50A, Naim NAIT 5i, Hegel H70, Vincent SV-256 mk, and Primare I22. Depending on your taste, some nice choices. I have heard all but the Hegel and like them, but think I would look hard at the Primare as it would sound good with MA Silvers.