DAC for CD transport

Suggestion needed for DAC to be used with CD transport(either dedicated or dvd player as transport) around $1k range for 2nd system, not planning to use with PC.

And my current and previous source listed to understand my preference

Currently using Roksan kandy K3, like the sound, has plenty of air between instruments, extended treble and taut bass, vocals are good.

Previously used Audiolab 8200CD, had denser sound, lacking in instruments separation.

Heard Marantz cd-8005 during audition, it’s kind of thick voice.

DAC’s so for I am considering..

Line Magnetic LM-502CA

Audio gd NOS DAC-19

Teac UD-503

Rega Dac-R

Or should I go with another dedicated CD player?

advise needed, thanks

Would you like to try this Denafrips DAC-68 R2R Edition~
It's easy for adopting on your cd transport system and future digital system~

Take a look at the test video ~~

More detail...
Do I need to look any specific features on the DAC to work with CD transport to have synergy?
Most later model CD players have optical or coax digital output, some both. Most DACs have both optical and coax inputs. Generally coax is preferred. Given that you won't require a USB input you are open for the opportunity to purchase an older used DAC . There are many that show up used as owners are switching to computer audio and require USB. Many of these older DACs were originally very expensive due to having an excellent power supply and analog output stage. They are selling for a fraction of the original price. I own two older DACs, a Bryston BDA-1 and a MDHT Parasideo.
Just a thought not knowing what the used market is in Thailand. 
Due to the popular of  DSD/DXD format music and recording, maybe compatibility of DSD can take into consideration when buying a new DAC now.