Lew was wondering why his post was removed by the moderator
probably because no reason is mentioned. There are however
some ''general rules'' mentioning a.o. ''(it) was abusive
towards one other member or containing profanity''.
My post was also removed which means that ''it'' was not censored
in advance. I never use ''profanity'' or the so called ''insulting words''
nor does Lew as far as I know. So the probably ''insulted person''
asked removal of my and his post . However I addressed just
two persons but do not believe that Fleib would do such a thing.
Besides I was very polite ''towards Flieb'' (grin). Who the other
person was can be guessed because we have had such situation
some time ago with real censorship of two or more years duration.
Some members (our Professor?) left the forum because of such
anonymous complaints. Whatever the reason on should complain
in the forum and not by the so called ''authorities''.