McInTosh D150

Has anyone  listen to this unit or does anyone have it the McInTosh D 150 and if so what do you think of it at a cost of $3000.00 ?

128x128Ag insider logo xs@2xgarryh16
I have the D100 , It's a great piece of kitt using it as a pre and  a DAC with my Mcintosh MC 152 power amp the sound is amazing a great value for money.The 150 is even better its DAC can read also DSD , higher sampling bit and it have special load connection to Macintosh CD transport for SACD CDs. 
Doing a shootout right know between the Bryston the Schiit and the McIntosh.. the McIntosh can not compete....
As a standalone DAC  Bryston and Schiit are better than the McIntosh but if you are looking for a pre and  DAC All in one the McIntosh is undoubtedly a great value for money you have to struggle to find something similar in this price level.