HELP AFTER MY MODS, My tweeters are subdued and weak-

So I have a pair of Mirage M1 speakers, I changed the caps in the crossovers to Jantzen Superior Z (for the tweeters) and standard z for the mids and bass.
I also changed the internal cabling to Supra Classic 2.5.

First Impressions-  Not burned in yet
The highs are there but really recessed in the background. Theres a song I reference and it has a steel guitar solo, I can bearly hear it through the vocals because its seems recessed so far back.

SO HERES THE QUESTION- Is that a symptom of unburned in cables and or caps, or is that just what Supra cables give you?

When I changed the internal cabling a few years back on the same model speaker, I used DH LABS t14 Silver plated cable, This had the opposite effect, it was super bright and fast, but it smoothed out and the brightness relaxed, leaving a lot of detail but not so much your ears bled.

But here its the opposite, its dull on the top end and the vocals kind of take over and blur out the top end.

So, c3 and c4 are the two 6.8uF; and the two 8uF. Would you do the 57uF in c1 also or just the c3-4
I've got about a few days of music played thru these, and the smoothness is increasing all the time but the weird tweeter thing remains.
Sean,  I've been reading trying to find why your Tara Labs might be sounding so differently... Still not sure that I ran across it,  but I would rather send you down that path before going through a speaker tear down.  Your cables are solid core, so they naturally will have a roll off on top. From what I've read, they decoupled the cable and added some sort of coupling cap inside of that box...Wire capacitance is well known for how it affects the high end (treble).  As you turn up the wire,  It changes the capacitance to increase the treble within your cable.... These cables appear to be around 25 years old.  What if a connection was broken poor inside of your cable box or if a part was going bad?   Not sure that you can open this thing, but I'd take a look there... Right now,  You've got a lot of cooks in the kitchen, you know how to get ahold of me,  so I'm going to bow out for now,  Tim
I think just for kicks I'll try the other Tara cable, I would think it would be less likely to have both cables have an issue. 
Tim I appreciate your input, not quite sure which way to go aside from keeping music on the speaker.