HELP AFTER MY MODS, My tweeters are subdued and weak-

So I have a pair of Mirage M1 speakers, I changed the caps in the crossovers to Jantzen Superior Z (for the tweeters) and standard z for the mids and bass.
I also changed the internal cabling to Supra Classic 2.5.

First Impressions-  Not burned in yet
The highs are there but really recessed in the background. Theres a song I reference and it has a steel guitar solo, I can bearly hear it through the vocals because its seems recessed so far back.

SO HERES THE QUESTION- Is that a symptom of unburned in cables and or caps, or is that just what Supra cables give you?

When I changed the internal cabling a few years back on the same model speaker, I used DH LABS t14 Silver plated cable, This had the opposite effect, it was super bright and fast, but it smoothed out and the brightness relaxed, leaving a lot of detail but not so much your ears bled.

But here its the opposite, its dull on the top end and the vocals kind of take over and blur out the top end.

The caps I replaced were:
 the electrolytic, (2- 6.8uF , 2- 8uF, a 47uf and a 10uF)
Also film caps, 3- 3.3uF, 2 -10uF and a 4.7uF.
Two polarized electrolytic 2200uF, but these I replaced with electrolytics.
C8=4X3.3uF=13.2uF and you replaced it with 3X3.3uF=9.9uF?
These cables appear to be around 25 years old. What if a connection was broken poor inside of your cable box or if a part was going bad?   Not sure that you can open this thing, but I'd take a look there...
I think just for kicks I'll try the other Tara cable, I would think it would be less likely to have both cables have an issue.
Any outcome?
Imhififan, I only replaced three of the 3.3, and left one existing one in place. 
I tried the other tara cable and the issue was unchanged. I didnt think it was the cables, because although they were old they were in mint shape and I bought them from an old dealer who had them in storage, they were in flawless shape.

I tried Erics theory and replaced the Jantzens in C1, C3, C4 with the old electrolytics. And as Eric suggested the issue had went away. 

So here I am at a crossroads as I have been emailing both Tim and Eric relating to my problem.

 Eric suggests getting an ESR Meter find the difference between the old caps and the new caps and correct it by changing the  resistor (in series with cap) with the corrected value on the resistor.

On the other hand,,,, 
Tim says this is not an ESR issue, he says that the ESR difference is not significant enough cause this issue, and that there must be another reason for the issue, he suggested that perhaps one of the Jantzen caps is defective or mislabeled, or perhaps a solder joint wasnt making a good connection. 
Im pretty sure I've reiterated what I've been told by these guys, if not, I apologize for getting it wrong.

I appreciate the spirited debate and strong opinions, I especially appreciate the civility between everyone who has chimed in.

So thats where Im at, the worst part is Im moving in two weeks and I was hoping to wrap this up before I moved. 

I think what Ill do is buy a tester that can check the value of the caps as well as check the ESR and see what pops out at me. 
Anyone have any better Ideas,,,, dont be shy. 

well that is partially what I said... I said that the electrolytics that you replaced are all in the midrange and that your tweeters should be functioning correctly. Either the issue is in the midrange or you have a bad tweeter diaphragm from overheating during soldering.  Next I believe that if a cap is most likely not bad, but when you had the Jantzens in that you could have had a bad solder joint.... next,  I said that the only 2 caps that could have much if any ESR stray is the 2 - 2200 mic electrolytics, you said that you replaced those with the exact same value. Even those, the difference should be minimum. 
and no,  this is not an ESR problem ... unless for some reason a cap was overheated at some point in its history any you have a bad ESR cap... of course ESR is an AC measurement and the cap ESR is far above the crossover frequency.... 

Well I figured I wouldn't have gotten all right, but I took a stab at it. 
I don't think the tweeter is bad, cuz it sounds fine with the old caps or If the Tara cables aren't used. I know it's not a mid-range issue cuz I can clearly hear the tweeter as faint when the jantzen and Tara cables are used. Now if a cap was over heated I guess that could have occurred, but what I don't understand is which cap would have been ruined. As you pointed out, the electrolytic caps I replaced don't effect the tweeter, cuz there in the mid-range / bass circuit, yet when I replaced those caps the problem resolved it self.
So the cap that would have been bad due to over heating, would have been one of the mid-range/bass driver caps I swapped with an electrolytic, but I thought those couldn't effect the tweeter. And the tweeter caps weren't changed out, but the problem resolved when the bass mid caps were swapped.
Quite the quandary.
What's clear is the problem resolves when the caps in c1, c3, c4 are swapped with the old electrolytics.